Now accepting abstracts!
Ohio Society of Addiction Medicine Call for Poster Abstracts
Submission deadline: September 2, 2024
The Ohio Society of Addiction Medicine (OHSAM) invites any physician, physician-in-training and mid-level provider registered to attend the annual meeting to submit a scientific abstract to be presented as a poster presentation at the annual meeting. This is an excellent opportunity to become involved in the OHSAM and to enhance you and your practice’s reputation. Close to 100 physicians, providers and clinical staff in addiction medicine, emergency medicine, family practice and psychiatry are expected to attend this meeting. This event is designed to provide attendees with the opportunity to discuss new treatment options and research so as to advance towards excellence in clinical practice.
- Research
- Case Study
Submission and Review Process
- Limit of two applications per individual; both submissions are eligible for selection.
- Each de-identified abstract will be reviewed for quality and content.
- Poster board size is 6′ wide by 4′ tall. Your poster may be of any size smaller than these dimensions.
- Presenters are responsible for creating and bringing their own poster.
- Abstracts/posters must be free of commercial influence. In addition, they may not imply an endorsement of any commercial product or service.
- Authors are asked to be at their poster during the morning break.
- You may submit abstracts/posters of completed work, work in progress or work presented at a local or regional level. The primary author is responsible for obtaining written consent form all authors and appropriate institutions prior to submitting an abstract/poster.
The size limit for the body of the abstract is 350 words. Standard abbreviations may be used. Do not include references or tables/graphs in the body of the abstract. Organize the abstract as follows:
- Title
- Authors
- Body
- Purpose
- Methods
- Results
- Conclusion
- Up to 20 abstracts may be accepted.
- A $50 gift card will be given to the top three posters as selected by the review committee.